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From the 405
or 10 Freeways: West on 10 Freeway to 5th Street off ramp; veer to right
and go 3 blocks to Santa Monica Boulevard, turn left 5 blocks to Ocean Avenue
(dead end), turn right—we are the second building on right (1337 Ocean
Avenue). The entrance to the building is on the North side, and we are
located in the first office (Suite B) up the stairway.
Two hour metered
parking is available on Ocean Avenue for $1.50.
There is a parking lot
as you turn onto Ocean Avenue (to the South of our building) for a fee of
about $7.00 per hour.
There is public
parking in the City Structure 4 lot
across from
Theater on 2nd Street, just behind our building with 2 hours free parking and
$2.00 per hour thereafter.